Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Welcome To The Land Of Stitches, bows, and La-La-Love

Hello, welcome to Sew Kawaii Reviews! A magical, colorful, cute reviewing blog for both "Lalaloopsy" and "Kawaii Crush". I am a simple girl with little to no life and talent. I berate myself a lot, but please do not let that interfere with your enjoyment of this blog. The point is, I have a lot of time I can spend dedicated to my blog reviewing, interviewing, and posting. But for now, let me break it down a bit, alright?

Lalaloopsy is a popular doll series that began back in 2010. But during their beta stages they were known as, "Bitty Buttons". Since then they have expanded to clothes, books, a television series, video games, and so on and so on.

Kawaii Crush is a relatively new toy series that began coming out during the summer of 2013, with the beta stages revealed a year prior. Kawaii Crush embraces the Cuteness (Kawaii) of everything one can find a passion in. Ranging from animals, food, hair bows, glasses, and many other things!

Now you may be wondering just how much one can do with strange dolls such as these. Well there's a bunch to do:

Review different pieces of merchandise, upload pictures, offer tips and tricks to rid/fix any problem areas, lists of strange locations you may have spotted merchandise, error listings, fake merchandise to beware of, early sights of brand new things, custom mod entries with pics and interviews with the moder themselves, compare the two series with one-another, even occasional guest reviews!

That's right, one day you may be making a post on here :3 won't that be exciting?!

 For each review I have also put in a system of rankings. They will be from 1 to 5, with 1 being on the bad side, and 5 being on the good. For Lalaloopsy, it will be shown with buttons. For Kawaii Crush I will be using hearts.

If you like would to send an email or message, my real email is "Cmh5@live.com", the reason it may show as another one is because I had to use an old Aol account email linking with google. I respond very quick and accept all types of messages. So don't feel shy, send a reply!

If you would like to be affiliated with this blog, just comment or send a message.

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