Thursday, October 17, 2013

Tammy Lammy Lu Lu and Zoey Boey Fru Fru Reviews!

For my birthday on Tuesday/the 15th, I had received about ten presents, with one brand new Lalaloopsy doll (Scraps Stitches N Sewn), and two new Kawaii Crush toys. I do not plan on reviewing Scraps since I have already reviewed a normal size Lalaloopsy and besides being a full size doll, there isn't much worth reporting. BUT if someone makes a request I would gladly reconsider.

I will be reviewing the two large dolls of both Tammy Lammy Lu Lu, and Zoey Boey Fru Fru today!

Zoey: hey, that lamb has one of my bows!

The reason I got Zoey Boey was becase the store didn't have Sunny Bunny, the third and final character (so far) in the Large Kawaii Crush Dolls category. Now on one hand I was disappointed, but on the other hand I was also fine with it since I wished to get all three of them at some point. We went to Toys R Us to return something, as well as switch Pokemon Y for X, so while there we asked them to hold onto Zoey Boey and went to check. The shelves were full of Tammy Lammy and half of the mini merchandise pieces were gone, so I didn't make anymore Kawaii Crush purchases for the day and left with my Zoey Boey (and about sixty dollars worth of other stuff).

Soon I will purchase one of each Mini types for future reviews. I plan to get Katie Cat Meow Meow, Mandy Candy's Candy Shop, and the Morning Glory and Luna Light twin set. At some point I may also get the Holly Molly Shopping Mall if it winds up on clearance or they have a sale.

This is the back of the boxes. As you can see, they show the characters "beta designs" instead of updating it to feature how they actually look. While the differences are small, I've listed them in case you're curious anyway:
  • Tammy Lammy's sheep was to have paler colors
  • Her skirt was a pale minty green
  • The lambs face was to be pink
  • The bows on her attire were lilac purple.
  • Zoey's boots were bright pink 

 Whenever I come across a brand new piece of merchandise. I always become apprehensive in terms of trying to figure out how they open. Most dolls come with different style boxes but with similar gimmicks, so that can ease some tension. I'm a total mess with all plastic packages and no tape or tabs to begin with! With just a simple swipe across the top flap/lid, I was able to open it and simply slip out the cardboard the doll is attached to. Like so:

To my surprise, the dolls are not attached to their "hat wear". It may look like it, but when you turn them to the side or look at them from the bottom you can see this.

Here is Tammy Lammy Lu Lu after she has been released from the box. She comes with four pieces, unless you count her clothing in which case seven. Once again to my surprise, I found out her hat is actually a very soft and flexible rubber, not plastic!

Zoey Boey comes with four hair clips, a small comb, a pair of glasses (that can go on any of the Kawaii Crush large dolls), and her bow, which is on a headband (again for any of the large dolls). Because it's been noted on official Kawaii Crush media, that the clothing are removable, I decided to see how difficult this may have been, as it was made of a soft, thin rubber, also.

Ignore the giant kitten in the picture

No, I didn't get lazy and just stop half way. It was difficult to get the clothing down that far. The arms slip in and out of the clothing very easily, but when I was getting past the hips I began to notice it was getting a little difficult. For the longest time I have been theorizing that the reason the clothing is removable is either because this allows the owner to switch the clothing between the dolls, or maybe because they will release clothing packs at some point in time.

A Kawaii Crush doll has about four or five points of articulation. The neck, arms, and legs. The arms have a more noticeable amount of movement then the legs do. But despite limited movements there is still a few poses one can make with these dolls.

Because I wished to examine the hair as far as I possibly could, I had released Tammy Lammy's hair from the plastic rubber band ponytail it was in. For being a doll she had very soft, lovely, full, (dare I say volumed?) hair! It was bouncy and felt very nice to touch. I admit, she did have some split ends, and the hair brush would only fall short of being able to brush through the entire hair length, stopping just some inches from the bottom. But as with anything else, with repeated brushes or maybe even a little bit of water (or even a cut) that should be easy to remedy.

And now, for the fun part! Where I attempted to style the hair and see how it goes:

I attempted to make one single braid but as you can see, I could only get the hair things to go around once because they refused to twist for me to fit around it twice. The hair was loose because of this, but it also held for most part... although by this point the entire braid fell apart except for the top part.

These two came out better, but it doesn't look very special or different, does it?

Although I knew it wouldn't work right (the braid) I attempted a single, two sectioned ponytail. Again it did not let me double-tie the hair things, but it still looked pretty cute. No?

Here's a final picture of Tammy Lammy. In the end I decided I loved her hair as is, worn loose and full of volume!

Now onto Zoey Boey...

Here's Zoey Boey out of her box. I cut the translucent rubber band from her bangs because like Tammy Lammy, I felt it restricted her and I thought she looked much better. But I couldn't bring myself to cut her pigtails since I knew if I did, I'd never get them back to that. 

Here's Zoey with her bow.

Just using all four of her hair clips. Much like Tammy Lammy's, they can only hold so much hair at once and will refuse to go further once at a limit.

...And finally all together. Don't worry, her glasses will come back. But for now lets get some rankings/ratings out of the way!

  • Very beautiful hair that may or may not be a cheap material. I can't exactly identify hair types but it honestly doesn't feel like cheap material to me. It's very nice and soft and contained no product in it is as far as I could tell.
  • The versatility of the dolls. You can swap items, outfits, shoes.
  • Because of the hair, you could probably use any hair based item you may own in your house. Such as a scrunchy or hair clip you no longer use. I assume you could also use your own hairbrush if you wanted to.

  •  As I mentioned, the clothing got me a bit nervous at one point because of an increasing difficulty. But then again I probably let my patience get the better of me so I just gave up too soon.
  • Because of their large bodies and molds, you wouldn't really be able to switch their clothing with other series of dolls, and like-wise.
  •  The hair accessories can only hold so much hair, as pointed out. Which may make some hairstyles impossible. 

The pros and cons may change in the future, but for now I could only point out the things I've personally found out myself. So if you have anything to add just let me know and I will take that into consideration. With the total of things I have gone over, I give the Kawaii Crush Large Dolls...

  Three of of Five Hearts!

The Kawaii Crush Large Dolls are pretty good, but they lack in a few points of being just perfect in my eyes. The hair is the main gimmick of the doll so it would make sense that it's so lovely and pretty, but I feel that if they had built a bit more support into the hair accessories then it would make styling the hair a lot more fun and easier to manage. Now the way things are does not limit the owner of the doll, it just adds an un-needed, very minor level of difficulty. I also love how everything is made of rubber, a very unique gimmick, but I am hoping that accessory/clothing packs may be released at one point and if they are, they follow this trend.

But for now and on this ending note, here's hoping they may release a Katie Cat Meow Meow Large doll!


  1. i dont recommend that you use your own hairbrush on dolls because it could wreck the hair

    1. I kinda thought that too, but i've also heard on some doll hair materials it actually works.

    2. on some it might work but ive heard that the oils in human hair can wreck doll hair
      id recommend using a wire brush or a wig brush or something
      the plastic brushes that come with dolls are no good too tbh

  2. Hi, this is Kelly! Please review lalaloopsy minis!!!! They're the only ones you haven't posted about yet!!! The candy cute and the sweet shoppe dolls are the best and have the cutest accessories! I reccomend them!!!! Thanks for writing a gr8 blog!!!!!! -best regards, from Kelly.!!

    1. Aw, thank you so much! I didn't even think anyone liked this blog so I gave up on it. But lately I have been missing it. So yes, I will do that for my next entry, I do have all/most of the sweet shoppes and a few others. So I hope you'll stay tuned for that XD

    2. I am eagerly looking forward to your New reviews, I've been waiting for a long while, lol!

    3. I'd like to see you review Mini Lalaloopsy, Chris! The sweet shoppe ones are some of my favorites. Perhaps now that they've come out (at least, I think they have!), you could review the flower minis?

  3. Jeez, I promise I will get to them soon DX I feel bad people actually have been reading this place...

  4. i think the big ones are a waste of money and the mini ones are super cheapo. hey wait, this whole line is cheap!!!
